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Carolina Center for Public Service: Connecting Carolina and Communities

Year in Review


January 2021

Greetings from the Carolina Center for Public Service!

Despite its challenges, the year 2020 also brought reasons to celebrate and feel grateful. As we reflected on the past 12 months, we gathered together our favorite service stories from throughout the year.

Below are three highlights, featuring partnerships in rural North Carolina, initiatives that support faculty and programs that support students. We hope these stories of public service brighten your day and inspire you to stay in touch.


A Focus on Rural North Carolina

Students on an Outward Bound trip

Last January, CCPS partnered with UNC Rural to host the first-ever Connect, Engage, Transform: Rural Community Partnerships conference. More than 200 participants from across the state gathered to spend a day learning about university-community partnerships in rural North Carolina.

This year, we’ve reinvented the conference as a series of webinars on partnerships in the pandemic. Anyone can register online for free!

Last summer we also launched a new program, funded by the SECU Foundation, that matched nine undergraduate students with full-time paid internships throughout rural North Carolina. This year, the SECU Foundation has doubled our grant so that we can organize 20 internships!


A Focus on Faculty

Carolina undergraduates participating in Service-Learning Initiative through the APPLES program

In December, nine Carolina faculty members graduated as Class VII of Thorp Faculty Engaged Scholars. This two-year program provides faculty with peer support, funding and workshops to facilitate community-engaged scholarship and research.


Are you looking for an expert to help you address issues in your community? The Community Engaged Scholars Directory showcases more than 100 individuals from Carolina who apply their academic endeavors in partnership with communities to address real-world issues. Click the button below to visit the directory and type in a topic to get started.


A Focus on Students

In April, the APPLES Service-Learning 30th anniversary celebration weekend had to be canceled due to COVID-19. (APPLES is a student-led program that connects academic learning with public service.) Despite their disappointment, APPLES student leaders regrouped quickly, directing unspent funds to provide stipends for students whose summer activities were disrupted by the pandemic.

In May, to celebrate the 2020 class of Buckley Public Service Scholars after spring commencement ceremonies were postponed indefinitely, the CCPS team created a digital yearbook featuring graduates’ photos and speeches. BPSS is an undergraduate program that provides a framework for service and reflection.


Facing challenges and adapting to them is worth celebrating. To stay up-to-date on inspiring news of service in 2021, look for future emails, check out our website and follow us on social media!



