The Carolina Center of Public Service is delighted to announce that Class VII of Thorp Faculty Engaged Scholars (FES) graduated via a virtual ceremony on Dec. 11, 2020.
The FES program brings together selected faculty from across campus to engage in a two-year experiential, competency-based curriculum designed to advance their engaged scholarship. Scholars participate in sessions in community settings to learn from Carolina faculty and their community partners. While developing individual projects, each class of scholars forms a learning community along with the faculty and community course directors to support one another’s projects and community partners. The growing network of Scholars reports outcomes including new interdisciplinary collaborations, successful grant applications and both traditional and non-traditional products of scholarship.
Thorp Faculty Engaged Scholars Class VII
Cheryl Mason Bolick
School of Education
Jada Brooks
School of Nursing
Shauna M. Cooper
Department of Psychology and Neuroscience
College of Arts and Sciences
Sarah E. Dempsey
Department of Communication
College of Arts and Sciences
Amelia Gibson
School of Information and Library Science
Danielle Spurlock
Department of City and Regional Planning
College of Arts and Sciences
Jessica Williams
School of Nursing
Amy Blank Wilson
School of Social Work
Courtney G. Woods
Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering
Gillings School of Global Public Health
Special thanks to Faculty Course Director Ronald Strauss and Community Course Director Melvin Jackson for their dedicated service to the FES program.
Download the FES 2020 graduation bulletin
If you are a Carolina faculty member interested in applying to join FES Class VIII, email Margaret Barrett to be notified when the application opens in spring 2021.
Learn about the FES program
Find other engaged scholars at UNC-Chapel Hill
About the Carolina Center for Public Service
The Carolina Center for Public Service engages and supports the faculty, students and staff of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in meeting the needs of North Carolina and beyond. The Center strengthens the University’s public service commitment by promoting scholarship and service that are responsive to the concerns of the state and contribute to the common good.