Thorp Faculty Engaged Scholars FAQs
Who is eligible to apply to the program?
Full-time UNC-Chapel Hill faculty who are in one of the following categories:
a. tenured or on tenure-track with any length of service
b. fixed-term faculty who have at least three years of service
c. faculty primarily affiliated with a research center at UNC-Chapel Hill, but hold a regular (not adjunct) departmental appointment
When is the application process open?
The next application cycle will start during spring semester 2025.
How are Thorp Faculty Engaged Scholars selected?
The selection committee, which includes faculty, administrative and community representation, reviews and discusses applications and selects each cohort of scholars.
Is preference given to faculty in certain disciplines?
No. There is an effort to balance diversity of scholar interests with potential for some commonalities; to date, no more than two scholars from any one department have been selected for a given class.
Is preference given to tenured faculty?
There is some priority given to tenured and tenure-track faculty, but each class has also included fixed-term faculty.
Is it necessary to have an established project to apply?
Although it is not required to have a firmly established project, it is important to have a body of work and idea of the direction the faculty member would like to take it in. There is no requirement that those selected must implement exactly what is proposed, but providing the selection committee with enough information to give a picture of how participation in the program can enhance the quality of the applicant’s scholarship is important.
Do you have to create a new project while you are in the program?
You do not have to create a new project, but many scholars elect to use the opportunity to do so, while others build on and enhance an existing effort.
Does your work have to focus on North Carolina?
Historically, some preference has been given to projects focused on North Carolina. It is no longer a requirement of the program, but there is continued commitment to have faculty interested in efforts of relevance to the state represented.
Who can I talk to with more specific questions about the program?
For more information, email Margaret Barrett or call 919-843-7567.