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Student Testimonials, Engaging in Public Service

Welcome to the Carolina Center for Public Service testimonial page. Are you a first-year student or transfer student becoming familiar with all of the possibilities Carolina has to offer? Perhaps you saw our orientation presentation on service opportunities and want to learn more from students like you who have had great experiences engaging in public service. After watching the videos we encourage you to jump to the home page and start your own public service journey.

Francie reflects on a rewarding APPLES internship experience that improved her professional skills and improved her writing and problem solving skills, while also introducing her to the Chapel Hill-Carrboro communities.

Divya reflects on the Service Learning Initiative program that gave her a feel for the Carolina campus, introduced her to like-minded individuals and introduced her to service in college.

Danielle reflects on how the Buckley Public Service Scholars program has provided opportunities for her to impact her community beyond her time at Carolina.

Reana reflects on how the Robert E. Bryan Fellowship has supported her Carolina organization that mentors young girls of color.

Eve reflects on an APPLES Service-Learning course that integrated public relations education with direct client service for an area nonprofit.

Chetan reflects on an APPLES alternative break trip that gave him better understanding and exposure to a North Carolina community.