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When Cayce Dorrier ’15 was a senior at Carolina and president of the APPLES Service-Learning program, she wanted to share her service experiences — and wanted others to share, too. That’s why she, along with a volunteer committee at the Carolina Center for Public Service, developed the “I Serve” campaign, a simple way to celebrate the vast amount of public service undertaken by Carolina students, staff, faculty and alumni. This campaign honored the 15-year anniversary of the Carolina Center for Public Service and the 25-year anniversary of the APPLES Service-Learning program.

The I Serve campaign highlighted campus community members and why they enjoy giving back. Those who joined the campaign to share their reasons for service include former Chancellor Carol L. Folt, Athletic Director Bubba Cunningham and former basketball student-athlete Antawn Jamison. The I Serve campaign celebrates all the ways UNC serves, and it inspires more people on campus to serve by providing examples of how and where.