Service-Learning Workshops & Trainings
Community partner orientation
All organizations and staff new to APPLES are invited to attend a community partner orientation held at different times throughout the year. Information will include an overview of service-learning, details about the APPLES courses and internship programs, nuts and bolts of the process and expectations of becoming a new community partner and how to use the APPLES Partner Portal. This is also an opportunity to connect with other organizations working in the community, so please feel free to bring information to share. This orientation is also valuable for those looking for a refresher on working with APPLES. Check back for the next Community Partner Orientation or contact Becca Bender with any questions.
Course Development Institute on Service-Learning
APPLES Service-Learning’s annual Course Development Institute on Service-Learning will be May 14, 2019 from 9:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. Topics include service-learning pedagogy, faculty course models, partnership development and course design. Faculty and instructors new to service-learning as well as those with experience are encouraged to attend. Graduate students are welcome to attend as well. You do not need to be currently teaching a service-learning course to utilize this workshop. There is no cost for UNC participants, however, space is limited. Registration will open in late-March. For more information, contact Becca Bender or APPLES.